Diving Deeply into the waters of ritual, yoga, rest, nature connection, healing, and the mystery that permeates it all.

Step into your own unique, empowered and authentic life. Woven into the fabric of nature, community, and the Divine.

Let’s uncover that part of you which is always illuminated and allow your life to move forward from that place.  

Community Gatherings and one on one guidance create the pillars of a robust practice and a deep sense of healing.

It’s time to step into a different way of Being. Together, we can co-create the world we want to see. We can choose to be the ancestors we seek and remember our intrinsic relationality to the animate world.  

Private Sessions or Groups

Customized intuitive sessions developed just for you! If you’re looking to move some energy, re-write some old stories, open  to creative flow, connect more to yourself and the natural world, dive deeper into your meditation or rest practice, move your body in new ways, release some old stuff… I’ve got you.

If you’ve got a wedding, work event, or birthday party and want to add the gift of yoga, energy work, rest practices, or creative rituals to the days activities or make a whole day around it?! Exciting, let’s chat.

Community Offerings

When it comes to practice, continuity is key. Get energized and restored with balanced and meditative yoga classes.

Link to Classes

Intuitive Yoga including somatic movement, breath work, mediation and rest.

Cultivating Rest

Enrich your whole being through deep rest.

Ritual Dance

Embodied movement opening us to an entranced state.

Moon Series

Dive into the receptive, wild, and healing qualities of the lunar cycle.

Sound Healing and Yoga

Experience deep relaxation and nourishment for the mind, body, and soul.

Retreats: Sacred Pauses

Release the intensity, dullness, and/or fatigue of day to day modern life and tune in to your own inner luminosity. Gather with other seekers in a sacred circle of connection. Nature + Community= Expanded Consciousness.

For a richly expansive and deeply immersive retreat experience check out my Sacred Pause offerings.


“Lindsay is down-to-earth and skilled at making people feel held, supported, and cared for. My healing journey has been gnarly and vulnerable, and it’s been so helpful to have her guide me back home to myself when I get lost. Lindsay is humble, she believes healing is a collective process and is merely the facilitator of that process.”


Moon Series Testimonial

“Lindsay has cultivated a community of people committed to healing and connecting through phases of our mother moon. We are accepted (and encouraged) to show up exactly as we are. We share and laugh and cry and move and create, and are held in the circle (bowl). It’s been a deeply rewarding process to peel back the layers of all that is known and unknown, and celebrate all that is.

Another Community Member

“When we show up honestly and with vulnerability, we allow ourselves to be seen and we allow others to see themselves within us. We remember our inherent connection and move towards a new future for humanity that exists within the animate world, not separate from it.”

-Lindsay Crawford